
A binge eating episode is defined a consuming 5,000-15,000 calories in one sitting. Binge eaters often correlate stress and negative feelings to a binge eating episode.  Many binge eaters hide food from others and/or eat in secrecy.  Binge eating is associated with Heart Disease, Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes, certain types of cancer, and many other conditions. Studies suggest these processed foods below are most commonly chosen for binges.

  1. French Fries
  2. Chips, especially those orange in color
  3. Cookies
  4. Chocolate Candies 

These foods are always high in fat, sugar or both.  Sometimes even unusual combinations of foods are used for a binge. For example, mashed potatoes and crushed cookies. 

To combat cravings for high fat, high sugar and salty foods try to combine something nutritious with something you are craving.  If you are craving something salty like chips, try a baked potato with salsa and nonfat Greek yogurt.  For sweet cravings, try strawberries dipped in a light coating of dark chocolate.  

The key is to combine the tastes you are craving, without all of the calories and fat.  Sometimes a warm drink or cup of soup will do the trick as well.  Make a go-to list that works for you.

