
A variety of cleaning products exist to keep your countertops, entertainment centers, and tables free of bacteria. However, many of these mixtures include harmful chemicals. In fact, over-exposure, ingestion, or even inhalation can cause a myriad of health issues. Understand what's in your cleaning products and learn what to avoid before you spend another day cleaning.


cleaning productsTriclosan is most commonly found in liquid dishwasher detergents and hand soaps. It hides under an antibacterial label, but it can actually promote the growth of stronger, more-resistant bacteria. If this occurs, your cleaning products will be useless against them. Not only can it make bacteria worse, but triclosan exposure can also lead to a disruption in your hormones. This could cause mood swings, fatigue, headaches, and even nausea.


This difficult-to-pronounce chemical is a common ingredient in window, kitchen, or multi-purpose cleaners. It has a sweet smell, but it’s dangerous at high levels. If inhaled, it can lead to sore throats or irritation. Excessive amounts may cause liver and kidney damage, pulmonary edema, or even narcosis. If you must use it, refrain from spraying in closed-in, poorly ventilated spaces to avoid breathing it in.


Ammonia is a well-known chemical used in glass and jewelry cleaners, among a variety of other cleaning products. Although it provides a desirable, streak-free finish, it can be incredibly irritating to the skin or lungs. Inhalation can lead to asthma-like side effects such as difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, or even chronic bronchitis. Those who already have asthma should avoid it entirely.


A number of chemicals in cleaning products can be dangerous. The best way to avoid them is to trust a professional cleaning company. Those in Somerset, KY, trust South Central Kentucky Janitorial Supplies. They pride themselves on using safe cleaning supplies in both residential and commercial buildings. As a family-owned business, they have over 30 years of experience in the industry. They guarantee a spotless, healthy environment for you, your family, or your employees. Learn more about their services by visiting their website, or call (606) 678-0525 today.
