
Losing weight is not easy, but keeping it off can be even more challenging.  It takes consistency and determination to adjust to a new body weight and learning how to properly nourish yourself without exceeding your calorie limit.  What helps to make this process simpler? Read these tips to make those pounds stay off for good.

Adjust your Calorie Needs – Now that you have a lower body weight you may need to adjust your maintenance calories down accordingly to keep the weight from creeping back.  Ask a Registered Dietitian about how many calories your need to maintain your loss.

Keep Moving – Exercise is also important for keeping unwanted pounds from returning.  Enjoy your new shape and keep moving.  Low impact, longer duration aerobic activity can be very useful for burning fat.

Keep Tracking Your Intake – If you have hit a plateau it is crucial you track your nutrition to be able to make proper adjustments. This will also keep you accountable and force you to plan ahead for meals and events.

Keep a Weight Graph – This visual is essential for seeing how far you’ve come as well as where you want to be.  Weighing in once a week works well for some. Daily weighing can be misleading due to fluids, sodium, and the time of day.  Do what works best for you without letting it control your mood for the day.  Measurements can be equally as helpful.

Keep connected with a great support team.  At Nebraska Weight Management, we offer continued care well beyond your program completion.  We provide safe place to check in and get your questions answered. When you are struggling, we are here to help!  

Please visit for more information.

