
When a death occurs in the family, many parents are unsure about how to tell their children. While the conversation is difficult, family counseling professionals recommend following a few important guidelines. The information below will help you understand what to say and what to avoid.


Tell them immediately.

Break the news as soon as possible. This will ensure your child doesn’t find out through second-hand information. It also encourages the healing process to begin right away. 

Be direct.

Family counseling professionals will recommend that parents use clear wording when discussing a death in the family. While you don’t have to go into every detail at once, explain what happened using words like “died” or “dead.” Give your child time to process the information or ask what the news means.

Be prepared.

Lexington Family CounselingGrief is different for everyone, including children. You may receive a variety of responses from your child, including sadness, anger, or confusion. Allow them to express whatever they feel at the time. In the future, you can readdress their emotions.


Hide your grief. 

Crying in front of your child is okay. Showing your emotions allows them to learn how to mourn. Expressing sorrow together can help you both heal. 

Change your routine.

Losing a close family member can cause overwhelming grief — and even depression. However, keeping up with daily habits are important to your child’s wellness. Family counseling specialists recommend taking your son or daughter to school and sitting down for dinner, even if sorrow and stress make it difficult. A routine helps your little one maintain their emotional wellness. 

Forget to share memories.

After telling a child about death, some parents want to avoid the subject. Grief is a process, so it’s critical to keep talking. Tell fun and memorable stories about your loved one. Allow your child to draw pictures, write stories, or sing songs about the passed family member if it makes them feel better.


In addition to the tips above, counseling services can also help a young person process their grief and emotions. The clinicians at Feinberg & Associates in Lexington, KY, are experienced in providing psychology and mental health services to people of all ages. To make an appointment for individual or family counseling, call them at (859) 233-3390. For information about their dedicated and skilled staff, visit their website.
