

When a foot is severely pronated, or flat, it means its arches have fallen. Flat feet are less shock-absorbent, and make for a less stable “base” for everything above – the bones, muscles ligaments, and tendons of the entire body.

Feet are the body’s foundation. Flat feet can cause serious problems all the way up the Kinetic Chain. Pronation/flat feet can cause the following ailments:

  • Foot Pain
  • Hip Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Knee Pain
  • Low Back Pain
  • Shin Splints

Women with flat feet are 50% more likely than those without to have low back pain.

Biomechanical problems also exist when one arch is lower than the other, creating asymmetry. The pelvis may drop slightly as the leg’s support structure – the foot – drops. The body may lean slightly to the side. The muscles and tendons must work harder, yet less efficiently, to “make up” for the imbalance.

Causes Of Flat Feet

The connective tissue or Plantar Fascia  on the underside of the foot is critical to maintaining the foot’s healthy arched shape. Injury and certain health conditions can cause the fascia to stretch out and flatten, but so can everyday, on-going stressors like walking and standing. Repetitive, low impact force over time can be just as devastating as a sudden, high impact force. Every patient is at risk for flattened feet. Once the fascia stretches out, it is unable to “spring back.”

Risk Factors Include:

  • Obesity
  • Diabetes
  • Aging
  • Pregnancy

Some of the most common causes of flat feet are:

  • Stress over time of everyday activity; Walking, standing
  • Injury
  • Birth abnormality
  • Health conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritits
  • Nerve problems

Regular visits to your chiropractor or acupuncturist can offer long-term health benefits, including alleviating back and neck pain and headaches. If you’re looking for a chiropractor or acupuncturist in Goodhue County, or if you have questions about Pronated/flat feet, turn to Red Wing Chiropractic Clinic PA. Call (651) 388-8294 to schedule a consultation or visit the website to learn more about their services. 

