
Family law is a broad area of practice that deals with a range of legal topics involving domestic relationships. Attorneys who specialize in this field often represent cases associated with marriage and children; however, they’re not limited to just these subjects. Because many of the matters brought up in family court are emotionally charged, it’s wise to seek legal representation whenever this type of case arises. Below are some of the most common reasons to consult a family lawyer. 

Common Family Law Issues

Divorce & Legal Separation

When two people decide to end their marriage or legally separate, there are a few details that must be worked out. Each spouse should retain their own counsel to ensure a fair settlement. A family law attorney will also be familiar with the state’s specific divorce or separation process.

Child Custody, Visitation & Support 

family lawChild custody disputes are some of the hardest issues dealt with in family law. Often, parents cannot reach an agreement regarding living arrangements, visitation, and child support. This means it is necessary for the family court to rule on these matters. 


Although adopting a child is an exciting experience for parents, it involves a long, expensive legal process before the new addition to the family can become official. There are numerous laws and regulations surrounding adoptions, so it can be very beneficial to have an attorney help with paperwork, placements, and the termination of parental rights to prevent delays and potential problems.

Domestic Violence 

In cases of domestic violence, victims may request that the family court provides them with an order of protection. This prohibits the offender from having contact with the victim and places a limit on how close they can get to their home or work. Orders can be temporary or permanent depending on the circumstances.


If you find yourself in court or mediation over a family law issue, make sure you have the proper professional to help you navigate the legal system. The experienced attorneys at James Parrish Coleman Attorney at Law are qualified to work on a wide variety of cases concerning this field of practice. Over the years, the firm has established itself as the go-to source whenever Robertsdale, AL, residents need expert counsel. They are available to provide an objective point of view, as well as the support and guidance necessary to reach a favorable outcome. Call (251) 947-6247, or visit them online to learn more. 
