
Distracted driving is a major cause of automobile accidents, frequently leading to personal injury and even death. In the United States alone, about nine people are killed and more than 1,000 hurt in an incident related to a distracted driver every day. Why can’t Americans keep their eyes on the road? These are the most common causes to watch out for.

A Guide to Distracted Driving

1. Phone Calls

Holding a cellphone to make a call while driving is now illegal in many states. If you absolutely need to talk, invest in a hands-free system for your car. Even this isn’t ideal, though, as it means your focus is likely not on traffic but on your conversation. If possible, pull over to a safe space—like a parking lot—to make calls.

2. Texting

personal injuryTexting is considered even more hazardous than chatting on the phone, since it requires you to not only take your hand off the wheel but also to look at your mobile screen. On average, sending or reading a text means looking away for five seconds. If you are driving 55 miles per hour, that will mean covering a distance equal to the length of a football field.

3. Social Media

Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat—whatever type of social media you may be tempted to engage in while driving, it will mean taking your eyes off the road. Odds are that this online interaction will require you to look away for even longer than five seconds, further increasing the odds of an incident.


If you are hurt in a car crash and believe the event was due to another person’s distracted driving, talk to a lawyer. A successful personal injury claim allows you to get compensation for costs like medical expenses and subsequent trauma. For a reliable personal injury lawyer in Ashland, KY, trust Williams, Hall & Latherow, LLP. This full-service law firm has a diversified team of attorneys known for their insightful legal knowledge and straightforward communication. Since 2000, they have been helping clients in practice areas ranging from business issues to commercial law. Learn more about their history online. For a consultation with a personal injury professional, call (606) 329-1919.
