
The roof shelters your household from outside dangers, so it’s crucial to keep it in top condition. Although most structures last decades, there will come a time you’ll need to have it replaced. The roofing contractors at Bulldog Contractors in Lakeville, MN, discuss four telltale signs you need to replace the structure. 

When Do You Need a New Roof? 

1. Damaged or Missing Shingles

Shingles wear over time and get damaged by extreme temperatures or severe weather. Look for missing pieces, as well as buckling and cracks. Bald spots are of particular concern as these areas are most susceptible to leaks. If a few are missing or damaged, replacing those may be an option. However, if there are widespread problems or significant bald spots, a roofing contractor will recommend replacing the entire structure. 

2. Age

roofingcontractorMost roofs have a lifespan of 20 to 25 years, though this figure varies depending on factors like the quality and type of materials, environment, and upkeep. Whether the old roof was removed before applying the new one will also come into apply, as well as if there’s adequate ventilation. If the structure is older than 20 years and was installed on top of an existing layer, you likely need to replace it. 

3. Granule Piles

Asphalt shingles are coated with protective granules that prevent sun and weather damage. After 10 to 15 years, the material will begin to disintegrate, and you may find pools of granules in the gutters or near the house foundation. Without their protective coating, the shingles start to bake and, eventually, fall apart. Have a roofing contractor assess the situation as soon as possible to prevent leaks and water damage. 

4. Sagging Roof

Sagging typically indicates a structural issue, such as a problem with the decking in the attic or supports in the foundation. If you notice part of the roof is sagging, have a professional inspect it immediately as it may be possible to repair that portion without replacing the entire structure if the damage is not widespread. It’s crucial to address this as soon as possible, as it’s a safety hazard.

Don’t neglect these repairs and replacements. If you’re due for an inspection, turn to the Dakota County roofing contractors at Bulldog Contractors. They can assist with everything from storm damage restoration and insurance recovery. Call (612) 799-8707 to schedule an appointment today, or visit the website to learn more about how they can assist. 
