
One of the milestones a parent witnesses as their child grows is the loss of their first baby tooth. While this important hallmark is certainly an occasion worthy of the baby book, it’s also important to make sure these developmental stages are happening as they should. As a leading dentist with offices in Pearl City and Honolulu, Dr. Dayton Lum of Oahu Dental Care is here to walk you through what to expect.

A Dentist’s Guide to Losing Baby Teeth

When Should My Child Lose Their First Baby Tooth?

The first baby tooth typically falls out around the age of six. Yet, it’s not uncommon for this to be delayed by as much as a year. Typically, teeth fall out in a similar pattern in which they came in. The two bottom front or two top front teeth are often the first to fall out. They are then followed by the incisors, canines, and molars.

How Quickly Should the Permanent Tooth Erupt?

Under normal circumstances, a child’s baby tooth will only fall out when a permanent tooth is ready to erupt. While the new tooth may appear in as little as a week, it could take as long as six months for the permanent one to appear. With that said, it’s also possible an injury or dental disease could cause a baby tooth to fall out before it should, in which case a dentist may recommend placing a small space holder in the spot to avoid overcrowding.

By What Age Should They Lose All Baby Teeth?

dentistTypically, all baby teeth fall out by a child’s preteen years. For most children, the last molar is lost by the age of 12 or 13. However, it typically isn’t until their late teenage years that a child’s final molars, also known as wisdom teeth, have fully grown in. Dental professionals typically recommend having these removed to prevent issues such as overcrowding in the future.

As Oahu’s foremost dentist, Dr. Lum treats patients of all ages and provides top-notch care for every stage of life. If your child is due for an exam, call (808) 456-5005 to schedule an appointment for the Pearl City location, or (808) 732-2821 for the Honolulu office. You can also visit Oahu Dental Care online to learn more about their services.
