
While it can be easy to take your brakes for granted and assume they will work indefinitely, they can malfunction over time just like any other vehicle part. With some assistance from a veteran brake service specialist like Car Care Clinic at Gateway Transmissions in Oak Harbor, WA, you can better understand when your brakes may need some attention. Here is a rundown from the auto repair experts on the most common warning signs to know. 

How to Tell It’s Time for Brake Service

1. Strange Noises

brake serviceWhen you drive your car, make note if you ever hear any odd sounds while you brake. When the brake pads are worn down, the direct contact between metal creates an ugly grinding noise. As soon as you hear the suspicious sound, head over to a brake service specialist to have it investigated. 

2. Awkward Resistance

After years of driving experience, you should have a good idea of how much resistance the brake offers when you push down on it. If you notice the pedal gives too easily or feels spongy, something is likely wrong with your braking system. In many cases, this indicates that a foreign substance is disturbing the delicate mechanisms behind the pads and rotors. 

3. Difficulty Steering

If your car seems to move to one side of the road whenever you brake, it’s probably not your imagination. Pulling can occur when a caliper is unmoored or has started deteriorating. When only one is working, it makes your car favor one side, which accounts for the lean. 

As soon as you notice any possible defect with your brakes, head over to Car Care Clinic at Gateway Transmissions. The brake service technicians will administer a thorough inspection and correct whatever issue is plaguing the part. In business since 1999, the professionals know how to troubleshoot any problem your brakes may experience, whether you drive a foreign or domestic model. You can also receive a tuneup before you leave to make sure your vehicle stays in great shape. Learn more about the repair crew by calling (360) 679-0700 or visiting their website.
