
Knowing when to invest in window repairs isn’t always clear. But there is one issue you should never ignore — cracked window glass. This is because the longer you wait to call a window repair professional, the worse the problem will get. The facts in the following guide illustrate what to do in such instances, and why.

Window Repairs: How to Deal With Cracked Glass

Seal Fresh Cracks

If you’ve noticed a window crack that appears new, you can take steps to temporarily minimize the damage. To prevent the crack from spreading, tape it from both sides. Superglue also helps contain it until it can be repaired by a professional. If you suspect the crack is causing energy loss, place plastic wrap on the cracked window pane. This will keep the interior air inside until a window repair team arrives.

Replace Cracked Panes

window repairTaping, gluing, and sealing are all temporary solutions. Unfortunately, cracked glass always calls for a replacement. This is because the crack will almost always spread and cause the glass to break. Temperature changes and extreme weather is often all it takes for cracked glass to break. This creates a dangerous scenario, especially for those with pets and small children, so take steps to replace cracked window panes as soon as possible.

Hire Window Repair Specialists 

Performing do-it-yourself window repairs is tempting, but hiring a professional is always preferable. This is especially true if your windows are double-paned. Such windows often have an insulating gas between the panes, making installation challenging. Improper window repairs or installation can lead to increased condensation and moisture. Excess moisture can cause structural damage to your window fixtures. It will also spur on mold and mildew growth. That's why enlisting the aid of an expert is always recommended.


Repairing and replacing your cracked windows prevents energy loss and keeps your household safe. To learn more about the importance of window repairs, contact BGS Glass Service in Waukesha, WI. Since 1970, they’ve been providing affordable custom glass services and window repair and replacement to residents across the region. Whether you want a new shower door or a custom window for your storefront, they will help. Call them today at (262) 513-2806, or visit their website for a complete list of services.
