
The gums hold the teeth in place and surround and protect the roots. Gums may start to pull back from the teeth for a variety of reasons. As roots become partially exposed, you may be more sensitive to heat or cold in the mouth or notice bleeding or swelling. Gum recession is common and treatable but shouldn’t be ignored. Schedule a visit with your dentist if you experience increased sensitivity or recession of your gums. 

Causes of Gum Recession

Poor Oral Hygiene

Diseases such as gingivitis (inflamed gums) and periodontal disease (loss of bone and connective tissue around the teeth) can both lead to gums pulling away from the teeth. Inflammation is usually caused by plaque and tartar build-up, which is a result of deficient oral hygiene. Tartar must be removed by a dentist, so schedule regular exams and cleanings.

Age & Genetics

dentistGums may recede as a result of physical wear. Over-brushing or using hard bristles can wear down gum tissue over time and cause it to recede as you age. Inherited traits such as gum thickness and tooth placement are also factors. If your parents have early gum recession, it is likely you will, too. 

Trauma to Tooth

Any trauma to the teeth may cause the gums to recede. This could include sports injuries, accidents, or grinding the teeth over time. Watch for any sign of gum recession in areas of your mouth where you’ve had injuries. 

Treatment for Gum Recession

Change Oral Health Habits

If gum recession is minor, it may be sufficient to change oral habits. Select a brush with soft bristles and go over your teeth gently. Consider switching to an electric toothbrush that will help you control brush pressure. Choose dental floss for sensitive gums or change to flossing sticks. Visit your dentist and hygienist as recommended—at least once a year.

Bonding, Veneers, or Surgery

If gum disease is present, there are options depending on the severity of the condition. Bonding or composite veneers to cover exposed root surfaces may decrease sensitivity and allow regular brushing and flossing. More progressed recession may require gum graft surgery, in which tissue is obtained from other areas of the mouth and grafted to the affected gums. In some cases orthodontia can be effective in moving teeth to correct the problem. Your dentist will be able to refer you to the appropriate specialist if the treatment is not one they can perform themselves.


Gum recession is a common issue with several treatment options, starting with a visit to your dentist. Four Corners Dental Group in Alaska offers general, preventive, and restorative dentistry that is affordable and family-friendly. Call (907) 258-3384 for Anchorage or (907) 376-2790 for Wasilla to schedule an appointment. Visit their website to view a full range of their services.
