
When teeth become infected, quick dental care is required to relieve pain and prevent the problem from spreading. In severe cases, teeth may have to be removed, but in most situations, patients can preserve their tooth through a professional root canal.  If you need this treatment, South Baldwin Dental Associates, P.C. is here to shed some light on what happens during the procedure.

Guide the Root Canal Process  


root canalThe first sign you may need a root canal is a persistent toothache that seems to be worsening. To diagnose the problem, your dentist will take a quick x-ray to get a look at what’s happening inside the tooth. If your provider finds that the dental pulp is infected but the outer portion of the tooth is intact, a root canal could be right for you. If the tooth is too weak, extraction may be necessary.


Before treatment begins, your dental provider will use an anesthetic to numb the tooth and the surrounding area. This anesthesia will allow you to remain conscious, but not feel pain during the procedure. Next, the dentist will drill a small hole in the top or the back side of the tooth. Using this hole as an access point, your provider will then remove the infected tissue. Once the pulp is removed, this cavity will be rinsed and sterilized to eliminate all bacteria that could cause future infection.

To keep the tooth strong, your dentist will then place a unique material known as gutta-percha inside the cavity. In addition to keeping the tooth structurally sound, it seals the dental roots to prevent further damage. When these steps are complete, the drilled hole will be covered up with a dental filling or crown.


Most patients only experience slight discomfort after a root canal. Typically, this pain can be managed with the use of over-the-counter medications—such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen. You should also temporarily avoid chewing with the affected side of the mouth to avoid irritation. Within a few weeks, you’ll visit your dentist for a follow-up appointment to ensure that the tooth is healed and the infection has been controlled.

Patients in Foley, AL, who need of root canals can turn to the South Baldwin Dental Associates, P.C. for gentle and comprehensive care. Led by Dr. Samuel Townsley, this local dental practice offers more than 25 years of professional experience, advanced dental tools, a relaxing environment, and affordable rates. To learn more about what this general dentistry clinic can do for your smile, visit their website. For appointments, call a friendly team member at (251) 943-1521.
