
Thumb-sucking is a habit many children will develop, and when it continues past the age of 3, it can begin to cause problems. It not only introduces a variety of harmful bacteria into their mouth—it can spur alignment issues like underbites and alter jaw bone positioning. To help, dentist Bert E. Bathiany IV, DMD and his staff in Florence, KY, want to share several tips to break the habit. These will ensure your child avoids long-term oral health issues.

How to Stop Thumb-Sucking

1. Ease Into the Conversation

dentistIt’s important to approach the topic carefully since it may be psychologically sensitive for your child. Explain that it’s a bad habit, but don’t blame them or make them feel guilty. Let your child know it’s perfectly normal and something they can keep doing, but only in moderation. Gradually, the frequency can be cut down as they learn until it is stopped. 

2. Educate

After you’ve introduced the topic and your child is responsive, begin explaining the negative aspects of thumb-sucking. Share that it welcomes germs into their mouth that can negatively affect their oral health and that it can damage their smile. Ask your dentist to help as well, as they may have valuable insight to help your child understand how it affects their teeth.

3. Distract

If your child is about to start sucking their thumb, give them a distraction. It can be as a simple as a toy or more detailed, such as an activity. The point is that they’ll be forced to use their hands for the task and won’t subconsciously begin thumb-sucking. This is a fantastic way to reduce the frequency of them doing it while they grow out of the phase.

For more tips on pediatric dental care as well as comprehensive treatment, turn to dentist Bert E. Bathiany IV, DMD. He and his staff will work with both you and your child to ensure their teeth are properly cared for. Call (859) 525-2100 today to schedule a children’s dental care exam with a dentist at their practice and visit their website and Facebook page to learn more.
