
If you’re considering IVF treatment, you’re likely doing all that you can to prepare for the procedure. Along with working with a skilled fertility specialist, you can also focus on eating a healthy and nutritious diet, which will help your body get ready for pregnancy. 

What Constitutes a Healthy Diet?

While diet alone can’t boost fertility, the healthier you are, the better the chances are for conceiving. Being over- or under-weight can make pregnancy more challenging, so try to maintain a healthy BMI. Look for food with rich nutritional content that is low in saturated fats and sugars.

Your diet should be centered around healthy fats, carbs, and proteins, like lean meat, fish, legumes, and whole grains. Fruits and vegetables are also important, and you should include several portions of both throughout the day. In general, 25% of your diet should be comprised of healthy proteins, while the remaining 75% should be made up of fruits, veggies, and whole grains.

Are There Any Foods I Should Avoid?

Processed foods tend to have little nutritional value and loads of calories, so it’s best to avoid them. You should also try to decrease your caffeine and alcohol intake, and be cautious about the type of fish you eat. A few fish species, like mackerel, swordfish, and ahi tuna can contain higher levels of mercury; most doctors suggest only having fish once or twice a week to be safe. Some fertility clinics also recommend cutting out soy from your diet if you plan to undergo any hormonal treatment. Soy can affect your hormone levels, which in turn can make it more difficult to conceive.

How Far in Advance Should I Prepare?

IVF TreatmentYou should start to eat healthier about three months before you begin IVF treatment. This will ensure the greatest benefits for the eggs that are harvested, which can help boost the chance that they will be viable. Around the same time, you should also consider taking prenatal vitamins.


If you have questions about establishing a health diet before IVF treatment, the skilled and compassionate medical providers at IVF Hawaii will help. A doctor will evaluate your diet with you and determine what you can do to support your fertility. If you’d like to schedule an appointment in Honolulu, call (808) 538-6655 today. You can also access helpful patient information to prepare for your consultation by visiting the website.  
