
Navigating the grocery store aisles can be daunting if you are not familiar with all the different kinds of yogurt.  With all different calorie, sugar, and even fiber differences it can be a quite complex choice.  The following kinds of yogurt are seen everywhere today. Read below to become more familiar for your next store trip.

Traditional Yogurt: This is American style yogurt which is non-strained and make from nonfat, low-fat or whole milk.  This type has smooth and creamy texture but is often lower than protein than other types.  Plain yogurts will have a significantly lower amount of sugar than the fruited varieties.

Plant Based Yogurt:  These types of yogurts are made from soy, almond, flax, or from any plant-based food.  These are most used by vegans or those with a milk intolerance.  The nutrition can vary depending on the plant source used so don’t forget to read the labels carefully.

Greek Yogurt:  This type of yogurt is strained and is thicker than traditional yogurt.  It is available in nonfat, low-fat, and whole milk varieties.  It often supplies twice the amount of protein than traditional yogurts, but be sure to check the calories to stay within your budget.

Kefir:  This type of yogurt is drinkable.  The fermentation for this milk drink gives it a strong, tangy flavor.  It contains a high amount of probiotics, which are good for your gastrointestional system.

For weight loss it is important to choose a yogurt low to moderate in calories with a good amount of protein.  Plain yogurts are easily sweetened with fruit or a bit of honey.  Consuming yogurt each day can be a great part of a weight loss diet.  Yogurt is high in calcium, Vitamin D, and potassium.. 

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