
When your heating and cooling system shows signs of trouble, it’s vital to address the problem quickly. An HVAC contractor can diagnose the issue and offer a solution that will restore your home’s comfort quickly. But in some circumstances, the answer isn’t quite so simple. If you aren’t sure whether a repair or a complete replacement is the right choice, keep these important factors in mind.

What to Consider When Choosing Between HVAC Repair & Replacement

What Role Does Age Play?

The average life expectancy of an HVAC unit is approximately 15 to 20 years. As it grows older, it may show signs of wear, particularly if it hasn’t been properly maintained. An old unit that requires frequent repairs and visits from an HVAC contractor should be replaced to save money in the long term.

Does Energy-Efficiency Make a Difference?

New Berlin, WI HVAC contractorOld, inefficient models may drive up your energy bills, but even more recent installations can lead to increased costs if they aren’t working properly. An HVAC contractor will determine whether the problem is due to age or an issue with the system causing it to work overtime when it’s heating and cooling your home. If that’s the case, the solution may be as simple as replacing a faulty part or a dirty air filter.

When Is a Replacement Essential?

Despite obvious factors such as age and efficiency, there are some instances when a replacement is the only option. Catastrophic failure of major parts, such as the compressor or motor, may initially call for part replacements. But if the HVAC contractor’s labor costs prove to be too much, it may be more sensible to replace the entire unit. In some cases, an inappropriately sized AC unit is to blame. If it’s too small or too large for the property, it can’t effectively heat and cool the home.


The HVAC contractors at Donovan & Jorgenson are focused on your continuous comfort. Based in New Berlin, WI, they offer residential repairs, installations, and maintenance throughout greater Milwaukee. You can trust them with all of your heating and cooling needs, and they can also guide you in the right direction if you’re uncertain about purchasing a new unit. Visit their website for information on their commercial and residential services.
