
The heat of summer is hard on humans, but it's just as harmful to outdoor animals like rabbits. In fact, if they become too hot, they could face heat exhaustion and even death. Specializing in quality sheds and animal shelters, the team at The Wooden Branch in Wilmington, OH, understands how quickly a structure's temperature can rise during the heat. Below, they outline a few ways to keep your bunnies cool this summer. 

5 Ways to Keep Your Rabbit Hutch Cool This Summer

1. Utilize the Power of Cool Water & Ice

Dehydration will quickly lead to heat exhaustion, so it's important that you keep your rabbits' water supply stocked. When the liquid becomes hot, they're likely to avoid drinking it, so change out the bottles or bowls twice a day with cool, refreshing water. You can also add ice to keep it cooler for longer.

2. Install a Mister

Using a spray bottle or handheld mister on your rabbits' ears will help them stay cool, but you can’t dedicate all of your time to the task. Fortunately, you can find battery-operated, electric, and solar-powered misters to connect to your rabbit shed for around-the-clock cooling.

3. Give Your Rabbits a Trim

shedA rabbit's thick fur will trap heat, so you may want to consider giving them a trim. Trimming the excess is typically enough to reduce their body temperature without eliminating the protective role of their fur.

4. Place Your Hutch in the Shade

Exposure to direct sunlight will increase a hutch's temperature more rapidly than the warm air itself. As such, you should place the shed in a shaded location. Trees are a natural solution, but they do pose a risk of falling limbs if severe storms roll through. A carport or the north side of a barn may be your best bet.

5. Choose the Right Structure

The rabbits' home needs adequate ventilation to help combat the hot, humid air. It's also wise to pick a shed that sits low to the ground because the earth is cooler. If you’re not sure what’s right for your rabbits, talk with a shelter expert. 

Keeping your rabbits happy and healthy over the summer months starts with choosing the right hutch. Fortunately, you can find a wide array of beautifully built sheds at The Wooden Branch. Dedicated to high-quality craftsmanship, their team has proudly served the building needs of residents and farmers throughout Southern and Central Ohio, including Dayton and Cincinnati, for over 20 years. Learn more about their animal shelters, sheds, and metal barns online or by calling (937) 382-7337.
