
Although kids should be able to enjoy time with friends and family during summer vacation, enrolling your child in a tutoring session will ensure they don’t fall behind when it’s time to head back to the classroom. Below are a few reasons why studying over the summer will help your student reach their academic goals later.

What Students Gain From Summer Tutoring

1. Prevent Summer Slide

tutoringDuring summer break, students can start to forget vocabulary words, mathematical concepts, scientific principles, and additional lessons learned during the school year. In tutoring sessions, they will have the opportunity to go over subjects and reinforce their knowledge to ensure they can keep up once classes resume in the fall. 

2. Improve Report Cards

Summer tutoring sessions are often one-on-one with an instructor or contained to a small group of students. This means your child will receive individualized attention so they grasp one lesson before moving on to the next. Your child will feel more prepared when tackling problems on homework and taking tests, which could lead to better scores on report cards. 

3. Learn Valuable Study Skills

Even if your child often aces tests and homework, they could experience difficulties as they progress to harder levels in their studies. During tutoring sessions, students learn valuable study skills to teach them how to prepare for homework and tests, such as how to stay focused and manage their time. 


If you want to enroll your child in summer tutoring classes, the educators at JEI Learning Center - South San Jose in California will provide your youngster with the building blocks they need to achieve academic success. They offer diagnostic evaluations to customize study programs. To learn more about math-, writing-, problem solving-, and reading-based summer programs available in the California Bay Area, call (408) 270-6162. Visit the learning center online for a comprehensive look at the courses they provide and like them on Facebook for program alerts.
