
Tooth loss can occur as a result of issues ranging from periodontal disease to injury. Its impact has both functional and aesthetic consequences, making it difficult to perform daily activities like chewing or speaking. Luckily, dental bridges are available as an effective solution. If you’ve lost one or more teeth, you’re not alone. Here are some of the most common options for addressing this dental concern.

A Guide to Dental Bridges

1. Traditional

The traditional and most common type of bridge requires teeth to be intact on either side of the gap. After receiving crowns, the healthy teeth create a support system to keep one or more false teeth in place. As long as the anchor teeth are in good health, the traditional option is ideal for anyone who is seeking a lasting fix for missing teeth with a natural appearance.

2. Cantilever

Are you missing teeth on either side of a healthy tooth? If so, a cantilever bridge may be perfect. Rather than creating two separate traditional bridges, dentists use the single healthy tooth as a support system. As with traditional options, the adjacent tooth will require a crown to maintain ample strength for the false teeth. Because only one tooth supports the bridge, this option is not well-suited for teeth which sustain more bite force, such as molars.

3. Maryland

The Maryland bridge employs the use of porcelain or metal framework to keep false teeth in place. It still requires healthy adjacent teeth, but instead of having crowns placed on them, the teeth support the framework via bonding. While this method is more conservative than other approaches, it isn’t as strong and should therefore be placed where teeth are not subjected to significant bite force.

4. Implant-Supported

bridgesLastly, implant-supported bridges are held in place with a series of titanium rods anchored into the jaw tissue. These are the most secure and permanent restorative option for missing teeth, as they do not rely on surrounding teeth for support. Thus, patients who opt for this procedure are able to enjoy crunchy foods without having to worry about compromising their dental work.


If you’ve experienced tooth loss and are interested in learning more about restorative options, the office of Dr. Charles Bumgardner, DMD in Lexington, SC, can help. Specializing in bridges and dental implants, this practice excels in smile makeovers. Learn more about their services online or call (803) 356-6030 to contact their friendly team.
