
When you experience a toothache, it’s difficult to determine whether the situation requires the assistance of your dentist or if a change in your oral hygiene routine will do the trick. While it may be tempting to avoid your dental clinic, certain issues like abscessed teeth should be addressed with a sense of urgency. If you’re unfamiliar with this predicament, here’s a rundown on abscessed teeth so you better understand the warning signs. 

Understanding Abscessed Teeth

What Is an Abscessed Tooth?

DentistWhen a tooth has an infection deep within the root that results in a pocket of pus, dentists refer to the issue as an abscessed tooth. Generally speaking, this issue is caused by decay, a cavity, a cracked tooth, or gum disease. The infection can be detrimental to your overall oral health and should be tended to immediately.  

Which Signs Indicate You Have One?

An abscessed tooth results in a variety of symptoms, from tooth pain and swelling to redness on your gum line or a bad taste in your mouth. In some cases, you may experience a fever, jaw pain, or trouble breathing and swallowing. Dentists note a tell-tale sign of an abscessed tooth is additional liquid-filled bumps on the gum line that resemble pimples. 

Can This Issue Be Rectified at Home?

Unfortunately, there is no home remedy for an abscessed tooth. To save your tooth and prevent the likelihood of needing an extraction, schedule an appointment with your dentist right away if you have any of the above warning signs. Your dental care team will do their best to eliminate the infection and save the tooth root. 


Implant Center of Maui, conveniently located in the heart of Kahului, HI, has been the island’s leading source for dental care since opening their doors over 30 years ago. If you’re looking for an experienced dentist who believes in providing world-class care in a friendly, comfortable environment, call their office today at (808) 877-3606 to schedule your first appointment. For a rundown on the comprehensive services this clinic offers, from teeth whitening to dental implants, visit their website

