
Spay/neuter is often perceived as an optional surgery, but there are many compelling reasons to have animals undergo this procedure. Not only is it the responsible thing to do for your pet’s health, but it also benefits the animal population in general. As a center for inexpensive spay and neuter services in Stratford, CT, Nutmeg Spay/Neuter Clinic is here with the most important reasons to consider this surgery for your pet.

Top 3 Reasons to Schedule Your Pet for Spay/Neuter Surgery

1. Prevent Certain Health Issues and Diseases

Risks for developing urinary tract infections and cancers are significantly lower in spayed and neutered pets, according to the ASPCA. Pyometra (a deadly infection), breast, ovarian and prostate cancer can also occur without proper attention. Spay/neuter is, therefore, an excellent way to help promote a long, healthy life for your pet.  

2. Reduce Inclination to Roam

spay/neuter surgeryWhen a pet is intact, they may be more likely to escape your home in an attempt to seek out a mate. While having to deal with an escaped pet is stressful to an owner, the danger of your pet being hurt by vehicles or strangers is much greater.

3. Prevent or Lessen Behavioral Problems

Behavioral issues are more common in pets that have not been spayed or neutered. Males, for example, may be more inclined to “mark,” or urinate around their living environment, or fight with other animals to protect their territory. Female dogs will likely bleed at the height of their heat, which can last for 10 days; female cats go in and out of heat every few weeks and create a yowling commotion at all times of the day and night. Animals are biologically hardwired to seek mates. When they are unable to do so, it can result in high levels of stress and anxiety. Spay/neuter will eliminate the worry they might otherwise feel from not mating.

If you have an animal in need of spay/neuter and are seeking the most affordable option in the Fairfield County area, Nutmeg Spay/Neuter Clinic can help. We have performed more than 26,000 spay/neuter surgeries and are committed to playing a role in ending the homeless pet crisis. To learn more about our services, visit our website or call (203) 690-1550.    
