
Many households depend on heating oil to fuel their furnaces and boilers and keep warm throughout the year. This oil is stored in tanks, which require occasional cleaning and maintenance. Cowles Heating Service has assisted their customers with climate control since 1992. Below, the trusted heating contractor in Fairbanks, AK, shares some of the signs tanks need attention. 

Heating Contractor Lists 3 Signs You Need Fuel Tank Cleaning

1. Sputtering or Stalling

Your furnace or boiler may sputter or stall for several different reasons, such as mechanical issues or the use of low-quality oil, but if it happens too frequently, even after replacing the heating oil, then you might need to have the tank cleaned. When the oil you use has a different temperature from the tank, condensation occurs, leading to water contamination and sludge formation. When water or sludge travels to the burner, the engine will stall.

2. Clogging

heating contractorSludge and other residues, such as dirt and rust, can build up and clog the filter, blocking the flow of fuel to the burner. When this happens, your heating system will perform poorly and inefficiently. Once you notice a dip in your furnace or boiler’s performance, have the filter replaced. If the issue remains and your filter gets clogged again, you need to have the tank cleaned.

3. Aging

Fuel tanks should be cleaned at least once every five years. If the one in your home has not been cleaned for around that amount of time, you should consider hiring a heating contractor to do so, regardless of how your furnace or boiler is currently performing. Consider it part of preventive maintenance, as the tank is due for service anyway.

If you need to have your fuel tank cleaned, turn to the experts at Cowles Heating Service. This licensed, bonded, and insured heating contractor serves the people of North Pole 24/7. They specialize in heater and boiler repair, radiant floor installation, and other heating system services. Give them a call at (907) 488-2277 for inquiries or visit their website for more information.
