
Offsite storage refers to data that isn’t physically stored at a business, like a remote server facility or cloud-computing database. Managed IT services often include offsite data collection, which safeguards a business’ assets. If you’re curious about how this works, this guide explains how companies can take advantage of offsite data storage. 

The Benefits & Uses of Offsite Data Collection

Cuts Downtime

Network failure can occur within highly efficient managed IT services because of unpredictable issues, like power outages, that make the occasional interruption unavoidable. Offsite data storage limits the amount of downtime in such scenarios by keeping your network running elsewhere. Even if primary computers and network components are destroyed, you can access essential financial records and client data. Halting daily operations is costly; but, offsite storage allows for continued productivity.

Provides Added Security

managed-it-servicesIf your network needs retooling, offsite storage protects valuable data during the process. This is because, in most cases, offsite storage is only accessible to those with proper clearance. It remains protected through access codes, data encryption, and other security measures. It's also beneficial during an emergency, like a fire, where your IT equipment is damaged. Losing client and financial data is a significant loss for any business, but offsite storage protects against such scenarios.

Monitors Services & Support 

When you invest in offsite storage as part of your Managed IT services plan, you’ll also enjoy added oversight. When you have an issue, you’ll have the support needed to correct it quickly. Monitoring network status can help businesses stay on top of security issues. A dedicated support team provides the necessary steps to reduce damage and safeguard data if your system is compromised.


Offsite data storage is only a small component of comprehensive managed IT services. To learn more about the process, contact OhmComm in Philadelphia, PA. For 20 years, they’ve been providing businesses with outstanding telecommunications and network solutions. They’re also equipped to install security systems and access control hardware. Call them today at (215) 467-1444, or visit their website to learn more about what they do.
