
Geothermal systems use the constant 50-degree temperature of the earth to heat and cool homes. In winter, outdoor air is pumped through a series of buried pipes and pre-warmed. In summer, warm air is cooled in the same manner. In both cases, pretreating the air reduces the amount of HVAC activity required to keep the house comfortable. In the following sections, Cowboy's Heating & Air in Farmersville, OH, outlines some of the important benefits such a system provides.

5 Benefits of Geothermal Systems

1. Extended Lifespan

geothermalTypical heating and cooling systems tend to last about 15 years. Geothermal systems can last up to 25 years, and the pipe loops can last much longer, up to 50 years or more.

2. Quiet Operation

Because they do not require an outdoor condenser unit, geothermal units operate nearly silently. The condenser motors of traditional air conditioners make a lot of noise whenever they’re in operation.

3. Lower Operating Costs

Because it virtually eliminates the need for air conditioning and warms winter air by 20 to 50 degrees or more, using a geothermal system can save a considerable amount on heating fuel and electricity. Thus, you enjoy significant savings on utility bills, all year long.

4. Reduced Use of Fossil Fuels

Geothermal is a renewable energy heating and cooling method. Its use slows the depletion of scarce natural resources and reduces the emission of greenhouse gases.

5. Safety

Geothermal heating and cooling reduces the need to burn fuel. This, in turn, lessens the chances of house fires and carbon monoxide poisoning, keeping your house and your family safer.

As you can see, geothermal heating systems offer both financial and environmental benefits. For more information about installing such a system, contact Cowboy's Heating & Air, the leading furnace repair and heating contractor in Farmersville, OH. They are a member in good standing of the Better Business Bureau® and offer 24/7, year-round service. Visit their website to learn more about geothermal, or call (937) 604-1541 to schedule a consultation.
