
Your toddler is growing every day, and what you feed them will have a significant impact on their development and health. The day care team at A Brighter Rainbow Learning Center in Billerica, MA, recommends that parents make smart nutritional choices daily. Here, they share a few of their favorite snacks to pack for kids. 

3 Day Care–Approved Snacks for Toddlers

1. Eggs

Eggs are full of protein—the average egg has 6 grams’ worth—and provide vitamin D, which helps your child absorb calcium for strong bones. Scramble up some eggs for breakfast to keep them full until lunch. Hard-boil them for a portable and satisfying snack when they’re at day care.

2. Oatmeal

day careThe fiber in oatmeal is digested slowly, which keeps your kids feeling fuller for longer. This balanced breakfast is full of minerals including thiamin, zinc, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and selenium. Instead of adding sugar to it, include fruits such as blueberries or bananas for flavor and some chopped almonds or walnuts for healthy fats and protein.

3. Low-Fat Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a healthy source of protein, which is vital for strong muscles. The probiotics boost their immune system and digestive system. Other helpful nutrients include calcium, vitamin B-12, and potassium. As you’re shopping, look for the plain, unsweetened options. Many flavored yogurts contain a lot of excess sugar. Sweeten it up naturally with some fresh fruit, honey, and some gluten-free granola. 

With the right nutritional needs filled, your toddler will be ready for their time at day care and develop healthy habits for a lifetime. A Brighter Rainbow Learning Center provides a fun, nurturing environment for babies and young children. They have multiple care hour schedules to better cater to your needs. Contact the learning center at (978) 670-9222 or visit their website for more information about their care services. 
