
Among the many tasks that go into maintaining your home and property is taking care of trees. The towering woody perennials add shade and insulation in addition to producing oxygen and increasing your property’s curb appeal. Here, the landscape design experts at Pasadena Gardening & Tree Service in Los Angeles County, CA, explain why trees increase property value by up to 20%, and what you can do to keep yours green and beautiful.

Why Healthy Trees Boast Property Value & How to Maintain Them

Part of Comprehensive Landscape Design

Trees make up a significant portion of landscape design, with the exception of properties in desert regions. They contribute to the lush greenery so many home buyers find appealing and have a soothing, calming effect, whether they are blooming in the spring or changing colors in the fall.

landscape designA stunning landscape design scheme attracts a wide variety of buyers and invites them to learn more not just because of their natural beauty, but because of their energy efficiency. Trees provide shade and insulate homes to keep them cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Houses with well-manicured lawns and gardens typically sell faster and for a higher price than those with no landscaping.

Healthy Tree Tips

Healthy trees attract potential buyers; unhealthy trees have the opposite effect. Routine, professional tree trimming prevents hanging branches and unwanted growth patterns, so schedule pruning based on the type of trees and what kind of care they need. Never schedule trimming in the fall due to the presence of fungal spores in the air.

Most mature trees do not need regular watering unless your region is experiencing a serious drought. Keep your landscaping company on retainer to identify any issues before they worsen, such as eliminating a pest infestation or disease before it spreads to the other trees on your property. Devise a maintenance schedule with the company to ensure your trees continue to thrive and contribute to the look and feel of your property.

Landscape design and maintenance are among the many services available from Pasadena Gardening & Tree Service. Call this Southern California today at (626) 449-4340 to schedule service, or visit the website to learn more and read the latest reviews. Like the Facebook page for additional landscape design tips.
