
How old are the windows in your home? If they’re as old as the structure itself, or they’re exhibiting signs of wear and constantly need maintenance, it may be worth investing in new ones. Here, the experts at Tradewind Hawaii, a home accessory supplier in Kailua-Kona, share a few ways upgraded windows can pay for themselves over time.  

3 Financial Benefits of Installing New Windows

1. Lower Utility Costs

If you opt for windows that have energy-efficient features, you can save hundreds or more on utility costs annually. For example, Fleetwood makes beautiful products from high-performance glass and applies a special glaze to improve their insulating capabilities. Installing such windows will also call for new seals, which will further improve the insulation of your home to reduce energy costs even more. 

2. Easier Upkeep

windowsOlder windows can warp over time, and the humidity in Hawaii only speeds up this process. They may also require considerable maintenance to prevent drafts and leaks. When installing customized windows, you can opt for durable framing materials and seals designed to outlast even the strongest winds that sweep the islands. 

3. Higher Resale Value  

Replacing some or all of the windows in your home will increase the overall value of the property. If you’re planning on selling in the near future, a new addition can help you seek a higher price, and if you’re planning on staying, you will gain equity as a result. 

If you want to upgrade your Hawaii property and save money by installing eco-friendly windows, turn to the locally owned and operated Tradewind Hawaii. They have a large showroom in Kailua-Kona where you can see all the high-end products they sell, including garage doors, kitchen appliances, and custom cabinetry for your yard. Check out the website or call (808) 329-2310 to learn more about the brands they carry.
