
Also known as bruxism, chronic grinding of teeth can be quite damaging, especially for people who exercise this behavior in their sleep. As a trusted dentist in Middlebury, CT, Joy K. Lunan DDS knows caring for your teeth takes a comprehensive approach. That’s why she offers the following information illustrating what can happen when nighttime bruxism is left unchecked.

Why Does Grinding Occur?

There are a few reasons nighttime grinding can occur. If you deal with a great amount of stress and anxiety in your waking life, it could be impacting your sleep. People with sleep apnea (a condition where your breathing stops and starts throughout the night) are also more susceptible to teeth grinding. In the majority of cases, problems with bite are the leading cause of bruxism. This can result from gaps in teeth or even misalignment.

What Can Happen If Left Untreated?

dentistWhen you grind your teeth, the surface enamel is gradually worn down, which can affect their shape and damage any dental work you’ve had done (such as crowns and fillings). Grinding can also contribute to jaw pain. The temporomandibular joint connects your jawbone to the surrounding muscle; when this joint is overworked, pain and stiffness can easily result.

What Can a Dentist Do?

If you experience jaw pain upon waking or experience frequent headaches, it may be a good time to see your dentist about teeth grinding. If the issue stems from problems with your bite, your dentist can take steps to correct it (dental implants will fill in the gaps left by missing teeth, while orthodontics can bring them into the correct position). You may also be given a mouth guard to wear at night. This will prevent damage to the enamel caused by grinding, which will prevent even more detrimental effects.

The first step to correcting bruxism is to determine the underlying cause, which is exactly what Joy K. Lunan DDS can help her patients in Middlebury achieve. If you’d like to schedule an appointment with this skilled and compassionate dentist, call (203) 598-7920 today. You can also learn more about this practice by reading some online patient testimonials.
