
Chiropractors improve the strength and flexibility of various athletes and help them recover from sports injuries. Dancers, for example, can seek chiropractic care to benefit from their anatomical knowledge. Here, Stoiber Chiropractic in Wisconsin Rapids, WI, shares three ways they help dancers, so you can decide whether you should seek chiropractic care.

How Chiropractors Can Help Dancers

1. Prevent Injury

Dancers must take preventative measures to reduce their risk of injury. Chiropractors can help these athletes learn how to stretch and exercise before and after dancing. Dancers will also learn how to loosen, warm up, and cool down the muscles, which is crucial to muscle preparation and recovery. These practices can minimize the risk of a sports injury.

2. Improve Joint Functioning

chiropractorIt’s common for dancers to experience joint pain because of the intensity and repetition of their movements. To keep dancing, focus on improved joint mobility and flexibility to keep dancers moving. Personalized stretching and exercises will improve dancers’ joint functionality.

3. Build Strength

The art of dance isn’t just repeating coordinated movements to a beat; there is a lot of strength involved, too. It’s helpful for dancers to gain muscle mass and improve their overall strength to do different moves and hold poses. Chiropractors can teach people how to build muscle safely, providing the perfect extra-curricular activities to help dancers outside the studio.

Dancers can gain strength, prevent injury, and better mobilize their joints with the guidance of chiropractors. To take advantage of these benefits schedule a time for your first appointment with Stoiber Chiropractic by calling (715) 424-8000. The clinic doctors have over 30 years of combined experience, and they offer holistic care to area patients. Visit the website for information on their wide range of services including exercise rehabilitation, interferential stimulation therapy, and digital X-rays.
