
The U.S. constitution guarantees anyone accused of a crime the right to a speedy trial, but even a short stay in jail can take you away from your job, your family, and your other responsibilities. Fortunately, bail bonds allow you to keep your independence while you’re working on a plea deal or waiting for trial. After posting bail, you’ll be able to continue working, providing for your family, and taking care of your other obligations.

How Bail Bonds Allow You to Keep Your Independence

How Do Bail Bonds Work?

bail bondsBail is essentially posting collateral guaranteeing that you’ll show up for your required court dates. If you attend all the hearings, whoever posted the bail (not bail agents) will get their money back, even if you’re convicted. However, many families don’t have these kinds of assets lying around, which is where bail bonds come in.

In exchange for a percentage of the total bail amount, a bondsman will post the funds for you, ensuring your quick release. In Connecticut and several other states, the amount you’ll have to pay is set by the state, but many reputable bail bonds agents have financing options to help secure your release.

How Soon Can a Bondsman Get Me Out?

As soon as your bail is set, a bondsman can start getting you released from custody. You might have to wait for your arraignment before posting bail, but depending on your charges, you may be eligible for immediate release. Most of the time you can be released as soon as you are done being processed. An experienced bail bond agent who understands the system will be able to tell how soon they can get a defendant released from custody.


With offices throughout Connecticut, 3-D Bail Bonds provides fast, friendly 24-hour service to defendants and their families in every jurisdiction in the state. No matter what the charges or where they’re being held, you can rely on our experienced staff to secure your loved one’s release as quickly as possible. Visit our website to find your nearest location, call (860) 247-2245 to reach the office in Hartford, and follow our Facebook for more insight into the bail bond process.
