
As people age, their bodies change, resulting in different sleep requirements and patterns. Because of this, many seniors do not get enough sleep. As a leading provider of senior care in Austin, TX, Longhorn Village understands the importance of a good night’s sleep for all of their residents. Below, they explain a few factors that often affect seniors’ quality of sleep and the consequences of lost rest.

What Affects Older Adults’ Sleep Quality?

senior careResearch shows about 13% of men and 36% of women over the age of 65 take 30 minutes or more to fall asleep. This is in part because the body produces less melatonin, the “sleep hormone,” with age. Older adults also sleep less deeply and are awakened more often by health complaints or minor disturbances, which results in less REM or deep sleep. Health complaints that affect sleep range from pain and stiffness to incontinence and psychiatric problems, including anxiety and depression. Some medications can also affect sleep quality. 

What Are the Consequences? 

Sleep helps ther brain recharge, which enhances the ability to retain information and learn. Because of this, sleep deprivation can cause or worsen memory loss, forgetfulness, or lack of concentration. Inadequate sleep can also have physical implications, including an increased risk of a fall or other injuries. It may also cause mood changes, often increasing depression or irritability. A good night’s sleep can make a world of difference for the mind and body, improving both health and mood. 

If you or a loved one are having trouble sleeping, consult with your doctor or senior care professional. You may also consider relocating to a retirement or assisted living center, particularly if safety or health issues are a concern. If you’re an Austin resident, consider Longhorn Village, one of the area’s most reputable assisted living and retirement communities. The staff provides personalized care to ensure each resident is cared for and well-rested. The center also features comfortable, private living quarters ideal for those who need a restful place to relax in peace. To learn more about Longhorn Village and their senior care options, visit their website, and call (512) 266-5600 to schedule a tour of their campus.
