
Geothermal solutions offer a natural and efficient way to control the climate within your home. They use the temperature of the earth to cool and heat the space, which ultimately results in lower utility bills and a longer system life span. Lenox Heating & Cooling in Chillicothe, OH, explains more about how geothermal HVAC systems work. 

Your Guide to Geothermal Heating & Cooling


geothermalGeothermal HVAC systems use the earth as a natural heating and cooling source. Since the earth’s crust absorbs energy from the sun all year-round, the geothermal system will tap into these temperatures, using them to heat and cool both your home’s air and water supply. 


To install a geothermal HVAC system, a contractor will drill a well on your property. From there, they’ll run a network of pipes into the well that connects to your home via a heat pump, which transfers warmth and cooling as necessary. Since the ground remains a constant temperature of between 55 and 80 degrees throughout the year, the heat pump can tap into the earth to keep your home comfortable. During the winter, your system will pull heat from the earth into your home; in the summer, it will displace heat from your home back into the earth.  


Geothermal systems are versatile and can be used to heat water, generate electricity, and make the indoor air more temperate. They make an eco-friendly and sustainable use of energy, and you’ll notice monthly utility bill reductions of up to 70%. These units are discreet and quiet, come with warranties of up to 10 years, and typically last several decades or longer. 

When you’re ready to upgrade to an HVAC system that will save you money and keep your home comfortable, put your trust in Lenox Heating & Cooling, serving Ross County. Give them a call at (740) 702-2665 today to speak with a helpful staff member about setting up an appointment for a geothermal system installation. Visit their website to find out more information about their wide variety of heating and cooling services.
