
With soaring summer temperatures comes a rise in your air conditioning costs. Although it’s natural to satisfy your craving for cool air by lowering the thermostat a few degrees, there are other ways to stay comfortable without causing your utility bills to skyrocket. Below, the skilled air conditioning contractors at Gulf Coast HVAC in Foley, AL, share five tips you can implement right away.

5 Simple Solutions for Increasing AC Costs During Summertime

1. Close the Window Treatments

According to the United States Department of Energy, approximately 76% of sunlight that enters through windows becomes heat. Whether you have blinds, curtains, or shades, air conditioning contractors recommend drawing them closed to minimize heat transfer and keep rooms cooler.

2. Utilize Fans in Rooms

Fans can be just as effective and keep you cool during a heatwave. However, fans aren’t designed to cool rooms—they simply increase air circulation so that the people inside feel some relief. If you leave the room, turn it off to conserve more energy.

3. Install a Smart Thermostat

air conditioning contractorSmart thermostats are extremely effective if your goal is to save money. If you neglect to turn the air conditioner up before leaving in the morning or going out of town, for example, you can remotely adjust it to a higher temperature. Your air conditioning contractor can provide you with suggestions for the most appropriate options for your home.

4. Check the Window Seals

Even the smallest openings around windows can lead to dramatic rises in your energy bills. That’s because air escapes through them, which forces your air conditioning system to work harder to cool your home. This may also lead to frequent air conditioner repairs throughout the season. By caulking these openings, you can prevent that cool air from escaping.

5. Inspect Thermostat Placement

Placement plays an important role in your thermostat’s efficiency. By placing it on a wall away from sunlight, windows, and skylights, you can minimize the odds of it reading an improper temperature or performing at reduced capacity.

For all your cooling needs, trust the team at Gulf Coast HVAC in Foley, AL. With over 30 years of combined experience, these air conditioning contractors provide reliable repairs, furnace installations, and commercial heating and cooling solutions. Visit their website to learn more about what they do, and call (251) 955-1054 to schedule an appointment today.
