
Dementia is a difficult disease to live with, and it impacts those who experience it as well as their family and friends. Unfortunately, signs can be difficult to detect. Here, the elderly assistance professionals of CareResource Hawaii explain early signs that you should keep an eye out for. Catching symptoms early on is essential, as studies have shown that dementia’s progression can be delayed with proper care.

Elderly Assistance Professionals Describe 5 Early Dementia Symptoms

1. Short-Term Memory Changes

elderly assistanceIf someone can remember the song that was played at their high school prom but not what they ate for breakfast, pay attention. Such changes in short-term memory may indicate early-stage dementia.

2. Difficulty With Directions

Most people have a regular route they take every day. It could be their usual power-walk or drive to work. Forgetting these basic directions is another possible symptom.

3. Social Struggles

Another early sign of dementia can be seen in a person’s ability to engage socially. This could include difficulty following stories or keeping up with a conversation. They will appear confused or frustrated by this change, as they’ll begin to recognize it in themselves.

4. Mood Swings

In later stages, dementia often changes people’s personalities — sometimes drastically. In earlier stages, it may be evident in subtler mood swings, occurring without apparent cause. If you notice this in conjunction with other symptoms, your loved one may be developing dementia. 

5. Apathy or Depression

If a loved one seems to be feeling down for no reason and pulling back from society, dementia may be to blame. Some individuals start to notice personal difficulties — for instance, in holding a conversation — and withdraw as a result. 

Should you suspect a loved one is experiencing early signs of dementia, consult a physician immediately. A prompt diagnosis is the first step in taking action to delay the ailment’s onset. If you are considering elderly assistance for your loved one, CareResource Hawaii in Honolulu can help. Known for their team of compassionate in-home caregivers, they hold an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau® and are recognized by the National Association of Home Care. You can get an overview of their home care services online. If you have questions about their elderly assistance programs, call (808) 691-4663.
