
You don’t have to be involved in sports to get athlete’s foot. Anyone can come into contact with the fungus that causes it, whether from frequent sweating or being barefoot in public. No matter how you contract this ailment, the blistering and itching can be incredibly uncomfortable. While it’s not a serious condition, athlete’s foot can lead to complications when not treated by a podiatrist.

A Podiatrist’s Guide to Athlete’s Foot

The fungi that cause athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, primarily affects the feet and toenails. Though common among athletes, (thus the name), there are many ways to contract this contagious infection. Signs include blistering and scaling on the skin of the foot, discolored toenails, itching, and chronic dryness. Athlete’s foot can occur on one or both feet. When untreated, it can lead to additional infections that can spread to other parts of the body.


podiatrist-high-point-foot-centerAthletes are particularly prone to this infection because their feet often sweat inside tight-fitting shoes for extended periods. Therefore anyone with sweaty feet who wears snug shoes all day can contract it. Other common causes include walking barefoot in public places like pools or locker rooms and sharing footwear with someone who has toe fungus. A podiatrist must determine the likely cause to treat this condition and advise you on prevention.

How Can I Prevent It?

Athlete’s foot is simple to treat when caught early by a podiatrist. Remedies include over-the-counter and prescription medications. To prevent recurrence, wash your feet every day, especially after physical activity. Avoid sharing socks or shoes and keep feet dry. Try to alternate shoes and socks each day and air out your feet at home.


High Point Foot Center brings 17 years of experience to residents of High Point, NC, and proudly provides a variety of foot care services. Whether it’s surgery, sports injury treatment, or basic muscular or tendon care, a qualified podiatrist will work closely with you to ensure swift recovery and prevention of additional injury or recurrence. Call (336) 882-2070 today to schedule an appointment with a foot specialist. Visit their website and Facebook page to learn more about the practice.
