
Prescription costs can make up a significate portion of your total healthcare expenses. If you can save up to 85% by purchasing a generic drug instead of a brand-name medication from your local pharmacy, it only makes sense to do so—unless there’s a catch, of course. Here, the knowledgeable team at Cincinnati’s Bernens Medical & Pharmacy explores the difference between brand-name medications and generic drugs. 

Why Brand-Name Medications Cost So Much 

Developing new drugs costs billions. Pharmaceutical companies must conduct three phases of clinical trials before they can claim any given medication is safe and effective. To earn back the expenses that each trial brings, the manufacturer is granted a patent protection that will last for up to two decades.

pharmacyOnce this protection expires, other companies can produce generic versions of the drug and price it much lower because they do not have to worry about recouping the cost of development. 

What You Should Know Before Buying Generic Drugs 

Generic drugs have the same active ingredients as their brand-name counterparts, and in most cases, they can serve as a suitable replacement. There may be some discrepancies between each version’s inactive ingredients, though, which can cause issues for some patients.

For example, if you have been taking the same brand-name medication for years, it is essential to talk to your doctor before switching to a generic version. It’s possible to have an allergic reaction to either a brand-name drug or its generic counterpart but not necessarily to both since they technically have different chemical compositions. 

If you want to learn more about managing various medications or switching between brand-name drugs and generic ones, turn to Bernens Medical & Pharmacy in Cincinnati. Since 1963, this fully stocked pharmacy has been providing hospital equipment and medical supplies for customers throughout Hamilton County. Visit their website to learn more about the comprehensive pharmacy services they provide, or call (513) 471-7575 to discuss your needs today.
