
Whether you’re a tourist or a local of Hawaii, it is your responsibility to help keep the islands clean and healthy. One of the best ways to do this is through recycling. By understanding a few little-known tips, you will have a helpful impact on the environment.

Top Tips for Recycling

1. Understand Recyclable Goods

Paper and plastic are the most commonly recycled goods. However, there are so many more materials that may be reused. Steel, glass, aluminum, and even electronics should all be at the top of your list. For example, when replacing computer or car parts, donate leftover or unusable pieces to a recycling center. Glass, rubber, and even motor oil can also be used multiple times over. 

2. Buy Recycled Goods

recyclingNot only should you recycle used goods, but you should also invest in previously recycled products. Look for water bottles, printed paper, and even furniture created from repurposed materials. This creates less of a demand for newly printed paper or wood. As such, fewer forests would be harvested for their materials. Not only does this protect natural resources, but it also preserves air quality by reducing waste and pollution. 

3. Recycle Your Water

Most people don’t think of food and water when discussing natural resources. However, these may be the easiest materials of all to recycle. For example, any tidbits left over on your dinner plate should be kept out of the trash. Instead, use them for compost to feed the natural greenery. Likewise, water used to cook with is filled with nutrients. Once it has cooled, pour it into a flower bed or yard.


Locals trust Honolulu Disposal Services to help to keep Hawaii beautiful. Servicing all of Oahu, they are the leading dumpster service with over 47 years of experience. They provide open-top container hauling, trash services, and even waste removal. As a family-oriented company, they are proud of their efficiency, reliability, and affordability. Commercial and residential areas alike may employ their recycling services. For more information on what they do, visit their website or call (808) 845-7581 today.
