
When a home that relies on a septic system changes hands, it’s crucial to schedule an inspection. Whether you’re buying or selling, this process will clear up any confusion and ensure both parties are satisfied with the transaction. As the leading experts in Mahopac, NY, Great Bear Septic Service offers their insight on the subject with the following guide.

Inspection Points for Buyers

As a buyer, it’s important to be involved in the septic system inspection for any future home, as you’ll be relying on it to process household waste for years to come. Moreover, after purchasing the house, the inspection will serve as an introductory guide to the system’s strengths and weaknesses.

septicPrepare for the inspection by doing some research. The EPA offers a plethora of information on the intricacies of these private waste management systems. On the day of the check, speak up about any concerns and ask questions. The more you know about the system, the more confident you can be in your purchase.

Inspection Points for Sellers

Though you want to make a good impression on the potential buyer, clearing the septic tank in advance can hinder the inspection. The unit must be full for contractors to see if the system is functioning properly. Once the check is complete, they can pump the system, so it’s clean for the next owner.

If possible, have the septic system inspected before putting your home on the market. You don’t want to attract interested buyers only to discover that the unit doesn’t pass the assessment. If you can’t secure pre-certification in advance, then come prepared to the inspection and have all available paperwork on the septic system on hand. Not only will this ease the process for the professional, but it also shows the buyer you are a conscientious homeowner.

Ready to move forward with a home sale? Contact the team at Great Bear Septic Service for a thorough septic system inspection. With over 30 years of experience, they are equipped to efficiently work through the waste management system and ensure every part is intact. For more information about how they can assist, visit the website, or call (845) 621-0250 to schedule an appointment today.
