
According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, children should start visiting a dental clinic between the time their first baby tooth appears and their first birthday. After that, young patients should continue visiting their provider every six months for general teeth cleaning and checkups. But if you’re a parent, you may wonder why this early dental care is necessary for kids who haven’t gotten all of their permanent teeth yet. Here’s more on why it’s important.

Why Routine Dental Appointments Are Important for Kids

Controlling Cavities

Cavities occur when oral bacteria build up in the mouth. As these bacteria digest food particles—such as those that come from sugar and other carbohydrates—they produce acids that wear away at the enamel, resulting in cavities. If these cavities are not controlled, it can lead to a severe tooth or gum infection. In severe cases, cavities may even cause tooth loss.

dental clinicWhile brushing and flossing at home is essential to preventing cavities, kids should also visit their dental clinic for routine cleanings. Using specialized tools, the dentist will remove plaque buildup—a colorless film of bacteria that cannot be cleared away through at-home care. After cleanings, fluoride treatment and sealants are provided to further defend the teeth against decay between appointments. If cavities are present, the dentist will prevent the decay from spreading by filling the tooth.  

Preventing Gum Disease

As the American Academy of Periodontology explains, chronic gingivitis is common among young patients. This oral health problem occurs when oral bacteria irritate the gums, causing them to swell, redden, and bleed. If left untreated, gingivitis can result in advanced gum disease—which can be painful and hard to manage.

Just as with cavities, gum disease can be prevented in children through routine dental clinic appointments. During cleanings, dentists scrub away plaque that contributes to gingivitis. They will also recognize early signs of irritation and, if necessary, offer solutions to prevent gum disease.   

Addressing Alignment Issues

As children’s mouths grow, their teeth can become misaligned. If this occurs, they can experience a variety of issues—including bite, speech, and cosmetic issues. Fortunately, many of these alignment issues can be detected by a dental clinic early on and corrected with the help of orthodontic treatments, such as braces. The earlier these problems are resolved, the faster and easier this treatment will be.


If you’re concerned about your child’s dental health, don’t wait to seek professional help. Instead, schedule a checkup with the kind and experienced professionals of Schaible Dental Group. Serving patients of all ages in Saint Peters, MO, this dental practice is equipped to provide complete oral health services ranging from standard cavity fillings to advanced laser surgery. Visit this provider online to learn more about their commitment to comfort, convenience, and comprehensive care. For appointments, call a friendly team member at (636) 279-1633.
