
A new septic system is a smart investment towards your property with conveniences you can enjoy for decades to come. This is something you want to be done correctly, as you don’t want any mistakes interfering with wastewater. Therefore, it’s imperative you hire a professional from American On Site, in Molalla, OR, to do it for you. You’ll still want to be involved in the process, however, so stay educated and make smart decisions with the guide below.

Septic System Installation Guide

1. Get a Soil Evaluation

A soil evaluation can tell you what type of system is best for your property. It will also inform you on whether you need an advanced system for treating your wastewater. Your septic contractor will handle the permitting process and will explain the evaluation details and options.

2. Determine a Point of Contact

septic systemWhen you’re working with a team of contractors, staying involved throughout the process will be easiest if you determine a point of contact up front. Things are simpler if communication is always between the same two people. Ask your team who they recommend you speak with for updates and questions. Give them a point of contact as well.

3. Discuss Landscaping & Maintenance

Ask your contractor about the septic maintenance required for your tank and system. They can give you a recommended pumping and service schedule based on your system and how much use it will get. You should also ask them what they recommend for landscaping. For example, you won’t want to plant trees or anything else with deep roots over your septic tank; grass is best. These recommendations will ensure your system and shrubs will be in good condition.

The team at American On Site have been providing top notch septic system services to the community for 15 years. They have an excellent selection of products on hand and will guide you through the entire installation process, answering all your questions and updating you along the way. Visit their website and contact them at (503) 829-7600 to schedule a consultation with their experts.
