
Reading to your children is a critical step in child development. Not only does it help them with speech, life lessons, and brain power, but it also provides you an opportunity to bond with your child in a special way. Sitting down to read with children every day extends to their classroom learning and helps them become well-rounded individuals. Below are seven books that child care centers and early childhood educators agree should be in your library.

Books That Should Be in Every Child’s Library

1. “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak

When Max wants to escape the boring every day of home, he enters the exciting world of his imagination. This classic book promotes creativity while instilling the importance of family and unconditional love.

2. “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein

Generosity is the main theme in this beautiful story where the titular tree sacrifices itself for the boy. Praised and loved by adults and children alike, “The Giving Tree” teaches a valuable lesson about being aware and considerate of others.

3. “Frog & Toad Series” by Arnold Lobel

child developmentFrog and Toad are always there for each other no matter the adventure, teaching young children about friendship, care, and trust, which are significant qualities of child development.

4. “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" by Bill Martin, Jr. & John Archambault

The alphabet comes alive as it climbs up the coconut tree. “Chicka Chicka Boom Boom” makes learning letters exciting and fun with every step.

5. “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle

This famished caterpillar crunches through delicious fruits on his way to becoming a colorful butterfly. Besides a small lesson in the lifecycle of these fascinating critters, it also teaches essential concepts of child development such as colors, numbers, and object identification.

6. “The Berenstain Bears Series” by Stan & Jan Berenstain

The stories of the Berenstain Bear family offer lessons in life, health, morality, and the day-to-day of going to school, dealing with siblings, and handling conflicts.


Northwest Children’s Center, located in Cromwell, CT, is the premier child care center in the area, offering quality programs for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, and those in kindergarten to prepare your child for their academic career. Their trustworthy staff gives parents peace of mind that their children are in good hands. Privately owned and state licensed, their approach provides benefits for child development through both play and learning, helping to improve social, motor, and language skills under the trained eye of degreed teachers. Call (860) 635-3485 or visit their website for more.
