
You have probably felt how taking a few deep breaths calms nervousness or helps you release emotion. Bringing more oxygen into your system helps brain function and affects mental clarity. You do this naturally through proper breathing or exercise, but sometimes the body needs extra oxygen for healing. Ozone therapy is one way that practitioners can deliver increased oxygen to the system. The following are the top benefits of giving your body more oxygen.

3 Benefits of Increasing Oxygen in Your Body

1. Optimizes Brain Function

ozone-therapy-helps-brain-functionThe brain needs oxygen to function optimally, and it uses about three times the amount of oxygen that other systems do. Increased oxygen levels assist the brain in healing itself and impacts plasticity, which is the ability of the brain to make new neural connections. Classic signs of low oxygen in the blood are confusion, headache, and memory loss. Increasing oxygen in the body, through techniques such as ozone therapy, may help some people regain clarity and cognitive function that result from COPD or other conditions.

2. Detoxification & Cell Regeneration

Oxygen clears toxins from the bloodstream, such as residues from drugs and alcohol. It aids in the repair of damaged tissues and cells and improves cell regeneration. Increased oxygen can also detoxify important organs such as the liver or pancreas, as it binds with toxins and carries them away for elimination by the body.

3. Disease Prevention

Regular infusions of oxygen are a powerful agent against system-wide inflammation—the cause of many chronic illnesses. Oxygen boosts the immune system and helps to suppress infections. Ozone therapy can be used safely as a complementary treatment for diseases such as cancer, auto-immune diseases, cardiovascular complaints, diabetes, Lyme disease, and chronic fatigue.


To learn more about how you can increase your oxygen levels with ozone therapy, visit the Alaska Alternative Medicine Clinic in Anchorage, AK. They also offer nutritional therapy, neuro-feedback, chelation therapy, and guidance on nutritional supplements. Their holistic healing methods help patients fight disease and ease chronic pain without drugs or toxins. Call (907) 563-6200 to make an appointment, and visit their website to learn more about their IV therapy options.
