
If you suffer from mild seasonal allergies, over-the-counter antihistamines could ease the worst of the symptoms. In certain scenarios, however, OTC drugs are not effective—or safe—for allergy sufferers to take. Fortunately, a physician can help if this happens to be the case for you. Below, the friendly team at Lexington Family Physicians explains how they help patients achieve the relief they desperately need. 

Who Should Seek Allergy Treatment From a Physician?

In general, there are two scenarios for when someone should visit a physician for their allergies. If your symptoms persist, despite taking over-the-counter medication, for example, it’s essential to seek an accurate diagnosis. A family doctor will determine if allergies are, in fact, the underlying cause of any discomfort. If they are, your provider can prescribe something more powerful, and if they aren’t, you can explore other treatment modalities.

physicianThe second scenario that warrants a trip to the doctor applies to patients who have other health problems. If you currently rely on any medication, it is not wise to take antihistamines without speaking to your physician first. Otherwise, the drugs could react with one another, and potentially life-threatening complications could arise. 

How Do Physicians Help Patients With Allergies?

It’s natural to feel nervous before any doctor’s appointment, but visits regarding allergies are relatively straightforward. If you experience stress and anxiety regardless, knowing what to expect will help considerably. After discussing your medical history and current symptoms with the physician, you will undergo a brief exam and any necessary testing. This will help your provider determine the precise cause of the symptoms by revealing any allergens while ruling out other health conditions. Based on the results, you will then discuss the various treatment approaches available. 

If your allergy symptoms are not responding to OTC medication—or you’re wary of taking any medication at all because of a preexisting condition—turn to Lexington Family Physicians. With a focus on preventative medicine, they treat patients from all over Davidson County. Their team is comprised of four physicians who are well versed in everything from gynecology to dermatology. Visit the website to learn more about their friendly and knowledgeable staff, or call (336) 249-3329 to make an appointment today. 
