
Insulin potentiation therapy (IPT) is a type of intravenous cancer treatment. Also referred to as low-dose chemotherapy, this alternative approach uses the insulin hormone to improve the delivery and success of chemotherapy drugs. Cancer cells feature more insulin receptors on their surfaces than normal ones, which makes them specific targets for this method. If you’re considering your options, here’s why this treatment might be the best choice.

Why Choose Insulin Potentiation Therapy?

1. Less Chemotherapy

Potentiate is defined as increasing the likelihood or power of something, such as the efficacy of a drug. The method relies on insulin to enhance the power, or potency, of chemotherapy drugs. Because cancer cells are specifically targeted, less chemotherapy is needed to produce the desired result. For example, patients only require 15 mg of the drug Cisplatin per session, as compared to 150 mg of the traditional dosage.

2. Fewer Side Effects

insulin potentiation therapyTraditional chemotherapy may cause nausea, hair loss, DNA distortion, liver damage, greater susceptibility to infections, anemia and bleeding, fatigue, diarrhea, and mouth sores because it attacks both healthy and cancerous cells. However, since you require lower doses of similar drugs when you start an insulin potentiation therapy regimen, you experience fewer side effects or none at all.

3. Faster Results

IPT works at a faster rate since the drugs are injected directly into cancerous cells. Moreover, because you receive lower doses of chemo, you can schedule IPT sessions closer together. Traditional chemotherapy appointments are sometimes scheduled monthly, depending on the type and severity of the cancer. IPT is also a comfortable treatment that includes continuous monitoring of your blood sugar levels without putting you in an insulin coma.


Integrative Medicine of New York, PLLC, specializes in insulin potentiation therapy among other innovative, natural cancer and autoimmune disease treatments. Doctors and staff provide Long Island and Tri-State area residents with the best holistic care in a state-of-the-art facility. Call (516) 759-4200 to schedule a consultation today or visit the website for more information about how they can assist. Like the Onco-immunology center on Facebook for the latest natural health and wellness tips.
