
Many people suffer from neck pain, but they don't always know the underlying cause of the discomfort. From having poor posture to a previous accident having long-term effects on your spine, there are a few common causes of neck pain.  West Chiropractic Clinic in Soldotna, AK, shares the reasoning behind many patients’ neck pain.

Pinched Nerves

There are 31 nerves across the spine, with eight resting in the cervical spine, which is your neck. Pinched nerves can cause a great deal of pain, numbness sensations, and even pressure on nearby areas. It can happen if you sleep on your neck the wrong way or while playing a sport. A chiropractor can do a spinal adjustment that removes the pressure off of that nerve, providing immediate relief.

Vertebrae Out of Alignment

neck painMany patients have vertebrae that are out of alignment without even realizing it. Having poor posture, sleeping without a supportive pillow, or overstimulating the neck's normal range of motion are all common causes of this. Spinal adjustments readjust the spin and place it into its proper position, helping areas of pain begin to heal. This manual compression moves the spinal joints and nerves, easing pressure and getting everything back into a healthy place.

Neck Injury

If you've been in an automobile accident or have experienced whiplash, it can cause neck pain long after the initial incident. Because many people feel okay after a wreck or having whiplash, the injury may go unnoticed until it begins to cause pain.  A chiropractor can properly diagnose this and create a treatment plan that helps ease the pain. 

If you're experiencing neck pain that's interfering with your everyday life, it’s time to visit a chiropractor for an examination and spinal adjustment. Whether you have lower back pain or your neck continues to hurt, the team offers comprehensive services to provide you with relief, such as spinal adjustments or massage therapy. West Chiropractic Clinic's primary chiropractor, Dr. West, has nearly 40 years of experience helping the Soldotna, AK, community. From a thorough diagnosis to treatment, Dr. West ensures every patient receives individualized care. To learn more about their treatment options, visit them online or call (907) 262-9171 to set up your first appointment today. You can also find the clinic on Facebook.
