
A lush, green lawn benefits every home’s curb appeal and outdoor enjoyment. But a lot of work and water goes into maintaining it. Here, the staff at Alii Turf in Wahiawa, HI, share a few conservation tips to use when watering your grass.

4 Water-Saving Tips for Your Lawn

1. Water at the Right Time

The hotter it is, the quicker water evaporates. Avoid the hot hours of the day to water; instead, target early in the morning around sunrise and late in the evening to allow water to soak into the soil.

2. Optimize Your Sprinkler System

The sprinkler system may overwater grass, which not only leads to extensive waste, but can also oversaturate the soil and result in shallow roots. Optimize your system by installing timers set to accommodate the temperature and amount of precipitation in the area. You can also add a rain sensor to shut off the sprinkler when it’s wet out and low-flow sprinklers that don’t mist water into the air.

3. Don’t Cut Too Low

grass-alii-turfGrass plays an integral role to cool your soil, which keeps water from evaporating. To get these full benefits, only mow the blades to about 2 or 3 inches high. Leave the clippings to provide additional shade and nutrients for the soil.

4. Water Long and Less Frequently

Once moisture seeps deep into the soil, roots will slowly absorb it, which is why you should lengthen watering times, then space them out over several days rather than short periods every day. Grasses with deep roots will especially benefit.

For more lawn care tips and all your turf needs, turn to the professionals at Alii Turf. They proudly provide a variety of premium grasses, including St. Augustine and Bermuda, for commercial and residential clients throughout Hawaii. Call (808) 293-8873 to speak with their staff about turf options, and visit their website to learn more about their products.
