
When choosing bathroom flooring, there are a lot of considerations. In addition to being aesthetically pleasing, you must also account for the potential water damage that may occur after prolonged exposure. As a trusted flooring contractor in Alabama, Enterprise Wholesale, Inc. recommends the following options to customers looking for durability as well as visual appeal.

3 Flooring Options for Your Bathroom

1. Ceramic Tile

FlooringThis is the most popular bathroom floor material for a reason—several reasons, actually. It’s among the most affordable materials and comes in a wide variety of colors and textures. Modern ceramic tiles can even mimic the look and feel of wood. Aside from these advantages, ceramic is durable, virtually immune to water damage, and relatively easy to clean. It isn’t without disadvantages, though. Unless it’s textured, tile can be slippery, and it also feels very cold, especially in the winter.

2. Laminate Flooring

While you may think hardwood floors are good for the bathroom, there are several reasons to consider laminate instead. Aside from being less expensive than wood, laminate flooring is less vulnerable to water damage. That doesn’t mean it’s impervious, though. To keep moisture from seeping down into the wood base, seams must be tight, and the whole floor should have a clear coat seal to minimize moisture damage and general wear.

3. Natural Stone

There’s no denying natural stone looks great. In fact, it can actually increase the value of the home if you’re planning to resell. Stone is also quite durable and holds up to prolonged exposure to water. The biggest disadvantage is cost, as natural stone is one of the most expensive flooring materials on the market.

No matter which option you choose, turn to Enterprise Wholesale, Inc. for your floor installation service. They have more than 35 years of experience and can also help you find the perfect material for your bathroom at a price you can afford. For more information call (334) 347-7033 to speak with representative in Enterprise, AL. You can also like them on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all the latest happenings.
