
As many children’s dentist will tell you, kids need healthy baby teeth to score a beautiful adult smile once their permanent teeth come in. If a milk tooth falls out prematurely because of an issue like decay, for instance, adult teeth can come in unevenly, shifting to fill the space. This is only one of many pediatric dental problems that parents should work to prevent.

5 Pediatric Dental Issues to Be Wary Of

1. Thumb Sucking

children's dentistThumb sucking can result in an overbite or even cause facial deformities, like an elongated chin. Explain to your child why it is bad for them and find ways to help them quit. A fidget spinner will keep little hands busy—or, if they suck their thumb while falling asleep, put socks over their hands.

2. Cavities

Despite advances in oral health care, dental cavities in kids aged two to 11 are on the rise. Teach your little one how to properly use a soft-bristle brush and a hand-held flossing device. Continue to supervise their oral hygiene habits until you are confident they can handle them solo.

3. Canker Sores

Many kids get canker sores on the insides of their lips or cheeks, especially when they are still lacking motor skills and prone to biting the insides of the mouth while eating. If your child complains of painful sores, ensure they avoid salty, spicy, and acidic foods, which are abrasive. Also check that any dental products don’t contain sodium lauryl sulfate, which has been linked to canker sores.

4. Losing Teeth

This isn’t exactly a problem but it’s worth flagging, since children may get scared when their first tooth falls out. This chart explains when you can expect the process to start. Explain the process to your child, emphasizing that it isn’t scary or bad—plus, it means a visit from the tooth fairy!

5. Teeth Grinding

This is another bad habit that should be stopped as soon as possible. The problem is that many kids do this unconsciously. Talk to your children’s dentist about getting a custom-made retainer, particularly for use while sleeping. This prevents grinding from wearing down the protective enamel on teeth.


Need a gentle children’s dentist in High Point, NC? Trust the professionals at Kid Smiles to take care of your little one’s teeth and gums. Known for their friendly staff and welcoming atmosphere, they are skilled at putting young patients at ease. Find out about their treatments online. For an appointment, call (336) 885-5437 today.
