
Oriental rugs are designed from high-quality fibers that not only make them a timeless and luxurious addition to a home, but also a worthy financial investment. However, keeping up with professional Oriental rug cleaning is crucial to maximizing your investment and ensuring your piece lasts for years to come. Below, the team at J.L. Williard Carpet Care in High Point, NC, answers a few of the most common questions about this service.

4 Questions About Oriental Rug Cleaning

How Often Should My Rug Be Cleaned?

oriental rug cleaningYou should have your Oriental rug cleaned every two to three years depending on the color of the fibers. Other factors may require more frequent cleanings, such as high foot traffic or pets in the home.

How Do I Know When It’s Time to Have It Cleaned?

If you’re unsure if it’s time for a cleaning, perform a visual inspection. Rub your palm on the rug and look to see if you have any visible dirt on your hand. You should also smell for any foul odors, and flap the corner of the rug to see if dust appears. If you notice any of those signs, it’s time for a cleaning.

Do I Need a Professional?

To protect the value of your piece, you should always leave the task to an Oriental rug cleaning professional, as they have the experience and equipment. Attempting to do it yourself or leaving it to a general carpet cleaner could ruin the carpet.

How Long Does the Process Take?

The cleaning process should take about a week to ten days, depending on the color of the rug and how much work it requires. Pet odor and urine removal could extend the length of the process.

Instead of attempting an Oriental rug cleaning by yourself, protect your investment by hiring a carpet cleaning specialist. J.L. Williard Carpet Care is the premier locally owned and licensed carpet cleaning business in High Point, NC. For more than 40 years, they have been dedicated to helping clients keep their rugs beautiful and clean. For a free estimate today, call (336) 885-8519 or visit their website for more information.
